Bhut Jolokia 'Cabe Hantu'. Mungkin cabe ini dinamakan dengan nama tersebut karena kepedasannya yang seperti setan.
Tingkat kepedasan yang dihasilkan bisa mencapai 1000 kali lipat dari cabe biasa yang biasa kita temui di dapur. Saat diuji tingkat kepedasannya dengan menggunakan skala Scoville Heat Unit (SHU), ternyata cabe Bhut Jolokia memiliki tingkat kepedasan hingga 1 juta SHU.

Cabe ini rupanya berdampak besar terhadap industri makanan, karena mereka tidak perlu lagi cabe dalam jumlah cukup banyak, namun cukup dengan sedikit saja Bhut Jolokia, sudah mampu membuat makanan menjadi sangat pedas.

Biji yg dijual sudah dicoba germinasinya.
Dijual per paket, isi 10 biji cabe
Harga perpaket cuma Rp.25.000,-
Harga diluar ongkir (10rb via pos indonesia).

Pembelian minimum 1 paket,
Pemesanan 085875578608 (SMS)

Bhut Jolokia has been recognized by the Guiness Book of World Records as being the hottest pepper on the planet. Bhut Jolokia has a Scoville heat unit measurement of around 1 million, it replaces the Red Savina habanero with nearly double its heat intensity. This rating can be more or less depending on climate. Drier climates with less rainfall will produce hotter jolokia peppers. Bhut Jolokia came about through genetic selection in Dorest, England. Jolokia Specimens have been tested at 1.6 million Scoville heat units. We have a limited supply of bhut jolokia seeds.
The pepper is called by different names in different regions. North of the Brahmaputra, it is widely called Bhut Jolokia or Bhoot Jolokia, literally translating to 'Ghost Chilli' in Assamese.
Ripe bhut jolokia peppers measure 60 to 85 mm (2.4 to 3.3 in) long and 25 to 30 mm (1.0 to 1.2 in) wide with a red, yellow, orange or chocolate color.
Warning: Direct consumption of these peppers can be dangerous. Even handling the bhut jolokia seeds can cause irritation. Wear gloves or your hands or will carry the oil all day.
Ranking: 5

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